“Convolution” started its journey in the year of 2001 to impart success oriented educations and awareness program. Presently it becomes “Convolution Educare” – A public charitable trust registered under Govt. of West Bengal and Trademark is registered under Govt. of India. Convolution Educare has completed ISO certification (ISO 9001:2015) and get registered under MSME India (UAM) Govt. of India. Apart from this Convolution Educare is also registered under CSC Skill (PMKVY-RPL, RozgarJojona) and CSC Academy-An Initiative by Digital India & Skill India. We also work for PradhanMantriGramin Digital SakshartaAbhiyaan (PMGDISHA). As we are registered under CSC Academy & CSC Skill Centre, we eligible to implement PMKVY-RPL, BCC and RozgarJojona-All are the initiative of Digital India & Skill India.
Considering the present scenario of India, there is a serious problem related to employment amidst young generation. Even though they are educationally qualified still they can’t meet the industry requirement.
Therefore , a group of renowned people from industry as well as academia have thought that the above breach should be minimized by imparting practical training , hands on experience ,troubleshooting as well as industrial onsite assignments to the students.
We devote ourselves to generate skilled manpower from ordinary unskilled manpower to fulfill Industry specific requirement. We also provide corporate placement training for deserving candidate. Recently, we have been empanelled to implement different skill development projects to enhance employment opportunity in west Bengal. We are also trying to spread digital literacy among the students to make “DIGITAL INDIA”.
We are professionally tied up with associate companies for imparting practical training & hands on experience at site. Industrial Training certificate will be issued by associated companies. Our other associated companies are TechCon Projects, Wish Stuffing Solutions Pvt Ltd, Frontline Ex serviceman Pvt Ltd, GA Digital Web World PVT Ltd, Om Ultimate Construction, RukmariEnergy Pvt Ltd, UTS Instruments, Gitanjali Solar, Brand Next, Awake India Pvt Limited, Sigma Research etc.
The basic objective is to create the awareness of education. Proper counselling, skill development, training, digital literacy and ultimately to generate employment to deserving candidate.